The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is a process of reflection, prayer, instruction, discernment, and formation for adults and older children interested in the Catholic faith and Christian living. This process is the inspiring model used by the early Christians to bring others into the Church. Our focus is to nurture the conversion in the hearts and lives of all who enter into the program. Using prayer, catechesis, and scripture study, we will walk with you on your journey of faith. And with the community, you will embrace Christ through the sacramental life of the Church.
Any Catholic in need of completing their Sacraments may also enter the program. If you are ready to make that first step, join in on weekly sessions and begin the inquiry phase of the program. All are welcome to be part of our faith community at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church!
Click the button below to sign up for OCIA 2024/2025:
Need more information? Let us know! Contact our Director of Religious Education, Iris Samson, or call the Religious Education Office at (661) 259-4266.